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Teaching Practice

How things work in the actual field

  • Procedures of teaching - I would start the class by making sure the place is conducive for learning. I will then prepare my students psychologically and physically to take part in the learning process by giving greetings, inviting students to tidy up the class and collecting garbage around them, inviting students to start activities by praying, and checking the attendance of students. Then I will ask questions about the English material that was studied before. After that, I will convey the learning objectives or basic competencies to be achieved and the assessment to be carried out. I will then proceed in the lesson proper.

  • Time management and organizing activities - Since it will usually take 45 minutes for a class, there should be a plan on how to learn all the learning goals of the day. I usually spare 10 minutes per skill when teaching. Like when the students will observe I will just give them 10 minutes and the same also goes for asking questions, presenting reports and making their group works.

  • Problem-solving - For the students to easily understood the lesson, I would always give them hand-outs as a copy of the topic. Then in their group works or assignments it will be a lot efficient on their part as well as in my part.

  • Classroom Management - I want my class to be really active so all through-out the lesson i am usually enthusiastic. This will encourage their participation and there will be no dead air in the class. I also take care of the noisiness in the classroom since it will be a hindrance for an effective learning environment.

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